Cleanroom Components
Cleanroom Components

Door & WindowDoor & Window Cleanroom PanelsCleanroom Panels Aluminum ProfilesAluminum Profiles Cleanroom FloorCleanroom Floor


ChillerChiller AHUAHU Intelligent Control SystemIntelligent Control System

Air Shower & Pass Box
Air Shower & Pass Box

Air ShowerAir Shower Cargo Air ShowerCargo Air Shower Static Pass BoxStatic Pass Box Air Shower Pass BoxAir Shower Pass Box

Cleanroom Furniture
Cleanroom Furniture

LockerLocker Cleanroom Shoe RacksCleanroom Shoe Racks Gown Rack Gown Rack Storage CabinetStorage Cabinet Gowning BenchGowning Bench WorktableWorktable Lab ChairLab Chair TrolleyTrolley SinkSink Sink TableSink Table

Laminar Flow Cabinet
Laminar Flow Cabinet

Laminar Air Flow - Laminar WardrobeLaminar Air Flow - Laminar Wardrobe Laminar Air Flow - Laminar StorageLaminar Air Flow - Laminar Storage

Ductless Fume Hood
Ductless Fume Hood

Ductless Fume HoodDuctless Fume Hood Filtration Medicine Cabinet HoodFiltration Medicine Cabinet Hood

Laminar Flow Bench
Laminar Flow Bench

Horizontal Laminar Flow BenchHorizontal Laminar Flow Bench Vertical Laminar Flow BenchVertical Laminar Flow Bench

ISO5 Isolator
ISO5 Isolator

Glove boxGlove box ISO5 IsolatorISO5 Isolator

ISO8 3D Modeling Large-span Modular Cleanroom
Related Information


Project: Large-span Modular Cleanroo

Area84 ㎡

Inner height:  2.6m

Class:  ISO 8(Class 100,000)

Industry:  3D Modeling
Design temperature:  22±3℃
Location: Italy


3D Modeling Modular Cleanroom



1. Large span, free-standing

  With 8m large span, the cleanroom is still solid and free-standing, needs no extra suspension, by patented aluminum frame, faster and easier on-site installation.

ISO8 Modular Cleanroom


2.Castle Series with stylish design:

  The cleanroom is made of rock wool sandwich panel, glazed windows for higher clarity, with smooth surface, free of crevice, in compliance with GMP standard.


3.Auto-sliding door for easy movement:

  Customer requested a big opening for machine movement, and considering convenient use, Airkey adopted infrared induction sliding door with anti-pinch design to meet customer’s requirement.


Class100000 Cleanroom with Auto-sliding door


4.Equipped with aircon for temp control:

 With RFU and cassette-type AC on ceiling, it’s not only a cleanroom, but also a temperature controlled and comfortable environment to work.



5.Excellent performance, up to standard

 All equipment will be prefabricated and labeled before shipment. After installation, our factory will do all tests for the cleanroom, including cleanliness, lux, and air velocity and share the test report with customers.

cleanroom socket


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