Cleanroom Components
Cleanroom Components

Door & WindowDoor & Window Cleanroom PanelsCleanroom Panels Aluminum ProfilesAluminum Profiles Cleanroom FloorCleanroom Floor


ChillerChiller AHUAHU Intelligent Control SystemIntelligent Control System

Air Shower & Pass Box
Air Shower & Pass Box

Air ShowerAir Shower Cargo Air ShowerCargo Air Shower Static Pass BoxStatic Pass Box Air Shower Pass BoxAir Shower Pass Box

Cleanroom Furniture
Cleanroom Furniture

LockerLocker Cleanroom Shoe RacksCleanroom Shoe Racks Gown Rack Gown Rack Storage CabinetStorage Cabinet Gowning BenchGowning Bench WorktableWorktable Lab ChairLab Chair TrolleyTrolley SinkSink Sink TableSink Table

Laminar Flow Cabinet
Laminar Flow Cabinet

Laminar Air Flow - Laminar WardrobeLaminar Air Flow - Laminar Wardrobe Laminar Air Flow - Laminar StorageLaminar Air Flow - Laminar Storage

Ductless Fume Hood
Ductless Fume Hood

Ductless Fume HoodDuctless Fume Hood Filtration Medicine Cabinet HoodFiltration Medicine Cabinet Hood

Laminar Flow Bench
Laminar Flow Bench

Horizontal Laminar Flow BenchHorizontal Laminar Flow Bench Vertical Laminar Flow BenchVertical Laminar Flow Bench

ISO5 Isolator
ISO5 Isolator

Glove boxGlove box ISO5 IsolatorISO5 Isolator

Food Filling Mobile Laminar Air Flow Hood
Related Information

Food Filling Mobile Laminar Airflow Hood



Project: Food Filling Mobile Laminar Airflow Hood
Size:  W4180 * L2600mm

Inner height:  2m
Internal Size: W2000*D2000*H2100mm

Class:  ISO 5(Class 100);
Industry: Food Processing
Location: Jilin, China

Mobile laminar air flow


1.Flexible, fast and cost-effective:
Patented modular design with universal casters,
Airkey mobile laminar airflow hood can easily move to needed areas at any time.

LAF can quickly create class A areas under background class B or C. Compared to directly building a Class A clean room, it is more flexible, fast and cost-effective.

laminar air flow hood


2.Control panel, easy operation:
 Laminar airflow hood has control panel for air velocity regulation and/or UV lamp operation (optional), easy to operate.


ISO5 Laminar air flow


3.DOP test ports:
Laminar airflow hood features with DOP test ports, which is convenient for integrity tests to ensure product quality.


4.Built-in H14 Gel-sealed HEPA filter:
Gel-sealed HEPA filter has good sealing performance and high filtration efficiency. It will capture particles at 99.995@0.3μm and create class 100 laminar flow area (EN ISO14644-1).


















5.Excellent performance, up to standard:
We will conduct integrity test with aerosol generator and photometer to ensure leakage rate <0.01%.

Other parameters such as air velocity and clean class are also tested before delivery, guaranteeing high quality.

Laminar air flow chamber


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